
Photoshop is probably the most common in use with its many, many features and add-ons almost anything can be changed or edited to vast extents turning a simple photo into a masterpiece.
Examples of the tools available are:
·         Crop- select a spacific area of an image in a square
·         Lasso- select a spasific area of an image using free hand
·         Blur- used in the same way as a brush, blurs for matching shades more efficantly
·         A verity of brushes for free hand draw
·         Flip, mirror and rotate
·         Group/ Ungroup
·         Resize- makes an image smaller or larger
·         Watermark, soften, sharpen and invert
·         8bit and 16bit colours
·         Masking and layering

Sumo paint is my personal favorite in the free end of online software simply go to the site and start creating, although it has less features it is a lot more user friendly than Photoshop, and still has all the tools you will need to do almost anything to an image.
Some examples of sumo paint’s tools include:
·         Crop- select a spacific area of an image in a square
·         Lasso- select a spasific area of an image using free hand
·         Blur- used in the same way as a brush, blurs for matching shades more efficantly
·         A verity of brushes for free hand draw
·         Soften sharpen
·         Filters
·         Resize
·         Masking and layering

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